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Gold and Silver Panda Coins Buyer's Guide

Regular price $53.88

The Gold and Silver Panda Coin Buyer's Guide covers thoroughly all aspects of the beloved Chinas' panda coins. In 208 pages, this brilliant book shows more than 800 astonished images of the more than 450 panda coins already minted. Besides the coins beauty, some panda coins that used to be sold as bullion now are valued in thousands of dollars. Many valuable coins still trade hands based on their metal content because buyers and sellers don't realize their scarcity. Get this book and be one of the first traders to benefit from these precious coins. Peter Anthony. ISBN: 0970854471. Pub Date: 5/14/2010. Edition: 2nd. Binding: Paperback. Size: 9.9 x 9 x 0.5. Pages: 208. Case: 20 .

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