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Cherrypickers Guide to Rare Die Varieties, 6th Edition, Volume II


Regular price $39.95

Cherrypickers Guide to Rare Die Varieties, 6th Edition, Volume II by Bill Fivaz. 

  • ISBN: 0794850111
  • Pub Date: 8/31/2023 Edition: 6th
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Size: 6 x 9 
  • Pages: 320 

Whitman Publishing, LLC is pleased to announce the publication of the Cherrypickers' Guide to rare die varieties of United States Coins. The book is the culmination of many years of research and finessing by the principal authors, Bill Fivaz and J.T. Stanton, with the help of many collectors, scholars, dealers, and others in the numismatic field. It provides information that is not available anywhere else. With a foreword by Q. David Bowers, by Bill Fivaz, and J.T. Stanton. 

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