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Trumpeter - Sukhoi Su-30MKK Flanker-G Aircraft 1:32

Regular price $397.90

The Su-27PU (T10PU-5) was refurbished and rebuilt to serve as an Su-30MKK development aircraft, first flying in its new guise in March 1999. The first KnAAPO-built prototype (`501') flew in May 1999 and the second (`502', in basic Chinese camouflage scheme but marked simply as Su-30MK, not MKK) following later in 1999. `501' and `502' were representative of planned production configuration, with tall, flat-topped Su-35-type tailfins, retractable in-flight re-fueling probes and (according to some sources) Su-35-type radomes. A total of 40 were ordered for the PLA Air Force, the first batch of 10 being delivered from Komsomolsk to Nanjing in December 2000 although a first aircraft had been handed over in China during August 2000.