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Trumpeter - Soviet 2A3 Kondensator 2P 406mm Self-Propelled Howitzer 1:35


Regular price $279.90

The 2A3 ‘Kondensator 2P’ was a Soviet 406mm self-propelled howitzer. The 2A3 originated during the Cold War as a response to the United States' new Pentomic Division tactical doctrine that emphasized heavy use of nuclear weapons including nuclear artillery. The US M65 cannon was introduced in 1952 and deployed in Germany in 1953. The Soviet Union started its own program to develop a 406mm self-propelled howitzer capable of firing nuclear projectiles, codenamed 'Objekt 271'. The unified system received the military industrial designation 2A3 and was completed in 1956 at the Kirov Works in Leningrad. Total production only amounted to four vehicles. Western observers got their first look at the new weapon during a 1957 parade on Red Square. Initially observers thought that the weapon was a mockup created for deterrent effect.

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