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Trumpeter - German 18-Ton Heavy Half-track Sd.Kfz.9 and Sd.Ah.116 Tank Transporter 1:72


Regular price $79.98

As World War II progressed, the vehicles used on the battlefields became larger and larger. When these mammoth machines broke down or became damaged, the task of bringing them back from the front lines was not an easy one. The German 18-ton heavy half-track FAMO and tank transporter Sd.Ah.116 was one of the vehicles that contributed to this task. Including all variations, over 2500 18-ton half-tracks were produced by the end of WWII. One of the major types was the tank recovery half-track; its power plant was a Maybach HL 108 12-cylinder engine putting out 270hp. Officially known as Sd.Ah.116, the Type 116 Trailer connected with the 18-ton heavy half-track, which allowed for the transportation of 22-23-ton class tanks, such as the Pz.Kpfw.III, Pz.Kpfw.IV and other heavy artillery.

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