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The Rose

Posted by Andy L. on

The Rose


The Rose has long been considered "Queen of Flowers" not alone for its beauty but also utility value... appreciated as such consistently for centuries.

It has had such a long and most intriguing story and still an intriguing on-going drama. More and more people are growing roses as a hobby and use them as decoratives. In Literature and Art, roses feature prominently.

Now even modest postage stamps portray roses of different kinds and varied hues, producing so-called "Rose Stamps" in great number and rapidly getting prettier as printing techniques improve. We cannot predict when this avalanche of "Rose Stamps" will stop. But we certainly are convinced that the interest for them will never subside.

It is for this precise reason we bothered to compose this special work, "Roses On Stamps" as a supplemental resource for "Rose Stamp collectors" with the hope of enhancing their appreciation and joy in their hobby.

May you enjoy this collection of Rose stamps as much as we enjoyed composing it for you. Note that some of the "Rose stamps" have their names printed on the stamp. But for those which do not, the fun begins for you by going to libraries and researching on them.



Silver Ining, Blue Moon, Spanish Beauty, Gertrude Gregory, Anne Watkins, Ophelia, Belle Blonde, Contesse Vandal, Golden Dawn, Grey Pearl, Premier Bal, Princess, Brilliant, Gold Crown, Beaut Egrave, Moonbeam, McGrady's Ivory, Vive la France, The Doctor, Day of Triumph, Isobel Harkneas, Magali, June Park, Herbst, Lilac Time, Machief, Bajazzo, Churchill, Tamburin, Golden Melody

Silver IningBlue MoonSpanish BeautyGertrude GregoryAnne WatkinsOpheliaBelle BlondeContesse VandalGolden DawnGrey PearlPremier BalPrincessBrilliantGold CrownBeaut EgraveMoonbeamMcGrady's IvoryVive la FranceThe DoctorDay of TriumphIsobel HarkneasMagaliJune ParkHerbstLilac TimeMachiefBajazzoChurchillTamburinGolden Melody



50 Burgundy, 100 Virgo, 150 Gaujard, 200 Luna, 300 Lady Rose, 400 Landora

BurgundyVirgoGaujardLunaLady RoseLandora



7 Blue Moon, 30 Marchioness of Urquijo, 3 Pink Parfait, 6 Roslyn, 25 Iceberg, 15 Wendy Cussons

Blue MoonMarchioness of UrquijoPink ParfaitRoslynIcebergWendy Cussons



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 13 Rose sp.

Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.



1 Eglanteria, 2 Centifolia Anemonoides, 3 Indica Vulgaris, 5 Eglanteria Var. Punicea, 10 Sulfurea, 13 Muscosa Alba, 20 Gallica Purpurea Velutina Parva

EglanteriaCentifolia AnemonoidesIndica VulgarisEglanteria Var. PuniceaSulfureaMuscosa AlbaGallica Purpurea Velutina Parva


Equatorial Guinea

50 June Park, 2 Pigalle, 3 Soraya, 3.50 Gold Crown, 4 Christian Dior, 25 Perfecta, 50 Chantre

June ParkPigalleSorayaGold CrownChristian DiorPerfectaChantre



20, 30, 50, 1 Rose sp.

Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.Rose sp.



5 Karneol, 10 Bergers Iga Erfurt, 15 Charme, 20 Izetka Spreeathen, 25 Kopenicker Sommer, Professor Knoll

KarneolBergers Iga ErfurtCharmeIzetka SpreeathenKopenicker SommerProfessor Knoll



1 Philippe Noisette, 1 Eveque, 1 Feuilles de Laitue, 1 Eglantier, 1 Indes Commun, 1 Eglantier

Philippe NoisetteEvequeFeuilles de LaitueEglantierIndes CommunEglantier



20 Invitation, 30 Meilland, 40 Pascali, 50 Tropicana, 60 Wendy Cussons, 80 Blue Moon, 1.20 Diorama

InvitationMeillandPascaliTropicanaWendy CussonsBlue MoonDiorama


New Zealand

1 Sterling Silver, 2 Lilli Marlene, 3 Queen Elizabeth, 4 Superstar, 5 Diamond Jubilee, 6 Cresset, 7 Michele Meilland, 8 Josephine Bruce, 9 Iceberg

Sterling SilverLilli MarleneQueen ElizabethSuperstarDiamond JubileeCressetMichele MeillandJosephine BruceIceberg



0.10 Hybrid Perpetual, 0.15 Tea Scented, 0.20 Japonesa, 0.25 Rose Bouquet, 0.30 de Provence, 0.50 de Cien Petalos, 0.75 Rose Bouquet

Hybrid PerpetualTea ScentedJaponesaRose Bouquetde Provencede Cien PetalosRose Bouquet



1.20 Glory Dey, 1.20 Karine, 2.00 Kandy, 3.00 Konfidence, 4.00 Ave Maria

Glory DeyKarineKandyKonfidenceAve Maria



20 Iceberg, 35 Wiener Charme, 55 Pink Lustre, 1 Piccadilly, 1.50 Orange Delbard, 2.40 Sibelius

IcebergWiener CharmePink LustrePiccadillyOrange DelbardSibelius

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